Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use Acetone on Plastic Tanks

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use Acetone on Plastic Tanks

Chemicals can have unlimited reactions, as their properties have unlimited potential. The combinations of elements with one another can create things that shape and deconstruct the world we live in.

We must use caution when dealing with any substances with the potential to react, such as acetone. Here, we can reflect on the reasons why you shouldn’t use acetone on plastic tanks as a primary example on the subject.

Reactive Principle in Plastic

Acetone is known to be a fundamental chemical, meaning that it has a high pH level. This title indicates that it has a corrosive nature when concentrated.

Plastic is made of petroleum resin and forms in a multitude of ways to harden and solidify. When in contact with acetone, plastic will soften, deform, and ultimately break down as the acetone deconstructs the molecules.

Corrosive and Combustible

What is more concerning is that acetone is exceptionally flammable and nearly combustible. You can ignite it from a long distance, which is saying a lot for explosive materials.

When used in conjunction with plastic tanks, we must be careful because if the tank contains another combustible, explosions and fires could occur. So, it’s best not to use acetone for any reason with plastic or plastic tanks.

Potential for Poisoning

When we think of plastic tanks, we may imagine using them for generic things like storage containers and water reservoirs made by plastic water storage tank manufacturers. This is true in most cases, so if acetone is introduced—even as a mild cleaning agent—it could cause potential poisoning on a massive scale.

Acetone is toxic to the human body and can cause skin irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat. In high concentrations, it can be fatal.

Miller Plastics is one of the leading innovators in plastics and plastic tank manufacturing. If you have any questions, needs, or concerns about acetone and plastics, we will be happy to assist you with anything you need. This article reviewed reasons why you shouldn’t use acetone in plastic tanks for your reading pleasure.

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